My experiments creating these Astro*Tunings began while transiting Uranus was (French) kissing my natal Sun, in the 5th House, in Taurus. If this is foreign to you, no worries! :)
Basically, it means a particular cosmic happening has revolutionized some of my self expression and creativity, bringing as a download my own original way to blend Astrology and Tuning.
I was already practicing Tuning within Energy+Sound healing modalities. So Uranus brought a cosmic perspective (it is the original, inventive, High Mind). And this version of Tuning also wanted to be expressed in an very embodied manner. Taurus.
So I picked up one of the golden threads Pythagoras left behind, with his poetic theory of the "Music of the Spheres", which, very briefly, reflects on the profound connection between mathematics, music, and the cosmos.
Now, I am a pretty Right Brained being, so I'm coming from Art, rather than Mathematics.
As an artist, with a mystical proclivity, this has been another creative attempt to grasp, ground and embody, the otherwise otherworldly, or ineffable.
An attempt to sensorially apprehend the immanent Sacredness of Life. Here, inherent within these cosmic energies, and expressed through their frequencies.
If wondering, these frequencies were calculated by scientists, and are based on things such as the distance of each of the “spheres” to the Sun. But I won't get into that and anything mathematical here, not my forte (right brained!).
In my intuitively experimenting with these frequencies, it was also implicit my personal need to have this be a Healing, Soul expanding experience, to be shared with others. An Aquarian aim (Uranus, again!).
See, in spite of a very early fascination with the subject, somehow I could never bring myself to practice Astrology in the classical manner. A feeling that only deepened with time. And no amount of theory could ever replace my direct, felt sense of the asters (stars).
As I said, an important part of my Astrology studies over decades, were Astrology readings (first one as a teenager!). Many, in different countries and languages, from different flavors and paradigms. Some, learning about the Self, some, learning about what not to do in a reading... :)
Nowadays, commercial readings have exploded in ways that, sadly, are lacking the deep and poetic roots of this ancient science, turning readings into simple machine regurgitations...
While there are some exceptional Astrologers, working on a soulful, respectful manner, with many, you may get little inspiration or wisdom, beyond literal data passed on from their software.
These readings can also be laden with fear, creating dependence through an anxious need to control the future. A pretty disempowering approach, I think.
Then, I also feel that regular readings, even with an exceptionally wise and experienced Astrologer, are still aimed to the Cognitive level. To me, this means that they can easily remain as yet another fancy intellectual exercise. Adding complexity for the sake of complexity, and resulting in data overload, and confusion. So prevalent these days.
That is, yet more Info that doesn’t become Knowledge, and more Knowledge that doesn’t become Wisdom!.… More accumulated “data” that doesn’t truly sink in, or LAND!
And my Grand Earth Trine doesn’t like that. :)
And the Healer in me doesn't like that either, knowing the deep role of the Body as an instrument of Consciousness.
So, there's plenty of that kind of astrology available out there, if that's what you seek. Just be aware that you won't get a bundle of machine made info... is not what I am offering.
This is a different approach.
My Astro*Tuning Sound Capsules were conceived, and are created as a Healing Session. They are an Astrology based Energy Healing.
Hand made, and lovingly recorded, they are delivered through Sound, and not aimed to your cognitive mind, but, through your Body, to your Heart, and Soul.
You are receiving it through your ears, but vibrationally, energetically, it is also suffusing your whole Body.
See, your bones are crystalline, really. You, are a beautiful, resonant instrument!
I am playing the wisdom and beauty of the astral frequencies in your Chart.
For those unfamiliar with any Tuning healing modalities, I'll describe my process briefly, as there's always more info on my website.
During a regular Biofield Tuning Session, for example, whether live or as a Sound Capsule, I (rather shamanically) track and work on your Biofield's Timeline, navigating energies of your personal history, that may volunteer to be addressed specifically. Or, I may touch on a present, particular intention/inquiry. For this, I use a set of specialized frequencies made for that purpose, applied through specific protocols.
In an “Astro*Tuning Cosmic Blueprint” (or Baptism), I am focusing, and navigating the energies of your Natal Chart. For that, I am adding all the specific Planetary and Luminary Frequencies, to the previous ones, and binaural beats, etc.
Your Biofield is still being addressed, but in a different way.
Just as when I am “tuning” your Field during a Biofield Tuning session, through these cosmic frequencies, I am tuning your Field, through your Chart...
Astro*Tuning takes a lot of time, attention, focus, and love. Which is why I deliver them only as recorded Sound Capsules, rather than within a live exchange, which could take hours.
First, I cast, study and meditate with your Natal Chart (and you!).
Then, I carefully record the Session, where I acoustically play the collection of frequencies of each heavenly body: the Luminaries and Planets.
I am prayerfully invoking the highest octave of those primordial energies present within your Natal Chart, while honoring the Elements, Signs and Houses.
I briefly tell you some of the highlights of what they represent, as a piece of your Zodiacal Pie of Life. But the main “substance” here, is within the frequencies underlaying and suffusing the cognitive content of my words...
Just as with other Tuning modalities, I am lovingly feeding these frequencies to your Biofield, to be harnessed by the Innate Intelligence of your own Being, to be embodied by you.
All this, in their pre - aspect Essence.
That is, before someone can declare “your Venus is in Detriment, and it Squares your Mars”, or “your Jupiter is in Fall, and your x House is doomed”... :) - it happens.
As a wholistic, healing approach, here we don't pathologize, we focus instead on strengthening and nourishing the cosmic fabric of your Being.
My intention with this is to reclaim your RAW gifts, in all their original Purity! As seen through a lens of Unconditional Love.
In Shamanism, and remote healing work, the concepts of Time and Space have been held more lightly, coinciding nowadays with Quantum physics, and cutting edge science.
My empirical sense is that, addressing, or playing the cosmic energies present at your birth, can be not only healing, and psychologically affirming, in terms of simple Self Esteem, Self Love, but also, could positively affect your “yesterday”, your “now”, and your “tomorrow”!
So you can see the aim with my Astro*Tuning is as Therapeutic and Harmonizing as with my other Energy Healing modalities.
You may intuitively guess that it can be surprisingly elucidating, and indeed healing, in its sheer, bare-bone simplicity.
For the sake of said simplicity, I use the Whole House system.
If you don't know what this means, no worries. If you are a pro, used to another of the many systems, consider a different perspective, exercise that beginner's mind, and most importantly, receive this somatically, rather than cognitively. It can be not only refreshing, but yes, healing!
At this time, I am working with the main planets, and the luminaries. I may include the Nodes of the Moon and Chiron, if you like. It is beyond the scope of this Blueprint Astro*Tuning to travel the cosmos and touch individually on the thousands of other heavenly bodies, such as asteroids and little “objects”, constantly being discovered.
If you have no idea what I'm talking about, blessed be, keep it simple. :)
Commission a Cosmic Blueprint Astro*Tuning HERE